This course will cover the basic theories of behavior change in individuals as well as populations. Information on how these theories can be applied and used to change health-related behavior will also be included. The technique, practice and use of motivational interviewing skills will be included as well.
- Primary Instructor: Debra Sheats
- Primary Instructor: Dale Healey
- Primary Instructor: Krista Jacobson
- Primary Instructor: Michele Maiers
- Primary Instructor: Elizabeth Streit
This course is designed to provide a sound scientific, evidence-based basis on how to read and review the health/wellnessliterature with special emphasis on nutrition-related literature/studies. Overview and strengths/weaknesses of major types of research designs including statistical data basics will be included.
- Primary Instructor: Krista Jacobson
- Primary Instructor: Michele Maiers
- Primary Instructor: Elizabeth Streit